
What month is best to rent a kimono in Kyoto?

Strolling through the beautiful streets of Kyoto in a kimono is a dream experience that everyone wants to try at least once, but many people wonder when is the best time to visit.
In this article, we will introduce in detail the best months to rent a kimono in Kyoto, focusing on the attractions and events of each season. By understanding the characteristics of each season and choosing the best time, you can enjoy an even more memorable trip.

Spring in Kyoto: A beautiful sight of cherry blossoms and fresh greenery

Cherry blossom season (late March to early April)

Spring in Kyoto is all about cherry blossoms. From late March to early April, beautiful cherry blossoms bloom all over Kyoto city. The Philosopher’s Path, the gardens of Heian Shrine, and Maruyama Park are particularly famous as cherry blossom viewing spots.
If you rent a kimono during this time, you will be able to take beautiful photos of yourself wearing a kimono against the cherry blossoms in full bloom. However, there are a lot of tourists during the cherry blossom season, so it is recommended that you make your reservation early, as it may be difficult to make a rental reservation.

Fresh green season (mid-April to May)

Even after the cherry blossoms have fallen, you can still enjoy spring in Kyoto. From mid-April to May, it is the season of beautiful new greenery. Lush trees and flowers sprout, and you can enjoy strolling in the fresh air.
In particular, in areas rich in nature such as Arashiyama and Kurama, we recommend touring historic temples and shrines while enjoying the fresh greenery. The warm weather makes this a comfortable time of year, and it is also the perfect time to stroll around in a kimono.

Summer in Kyoto: A season of festivals and yukata

Gion Festival (July)

Summer in Kyoto can be extremely hot, but it’s also a great season to enjoy strolling around in a yukata. The Gion Festival, held in July, is one of Japan’s three major festivals, and you can enjoy the colorful Yamahoko parade and night stalls.
If you rent a yukata and take part in the Gion Festival, you can fully experience the atmosphere unique to summer. However, there will be many tourists during the Gion Festival, so you will need to take measures against the heat, so don’t forget to stay hydrated and take a break in a cool place.

Enjoying the cool evening air and summer terraces (August)

In August, the temperature rises even further, but we recommend enjoying the cool evening air on the river terrace during the cooler hours from evening to night.
In particular, along the Kamo River, there are Noryo-yuka (relaxing platforms) where you can enjoy your meal while listening to the murmuring of the river. Enjoying the cool evening air in a yukata is a way of enjoying summer nights that is unique to Kyoto.

Autumn in Kyoto: A season of colorful foliage and culture

Autumn leaves season (November)

Autumn in Kyoto is a beautiful season when the leaves change color. In November, you can see vibrant colors at many of the city’s temples and shrines.
In particular, Tofuku-ji Temple, Kiyomizu-dera Temple, and Kodai-ji Temple are known as famous spots for viewing autumn leaves, and visiting them in a kimono will make you feel even more at home. There are many tourists during the autumn leaves season, so it is important to make reservations early and plan ahead to avoid crowds.

Cultural property exhibition and illumination (October to November)

Autumn is also the season when many cultural properties are exhibited for special viewing or illuminated at night. For example, important cultural properties are sometimes exhibited for a limited time at Toji Temple and Nijo Castle, offering a rare experience.
The illuminated autumn leaves are also fantastic, making it the perfect place for an evening kimono date. It’s a good idea to bring a haori coat or shawl in case it gets chilly at night.


The best time to rent a kimono in Kyoto depends on the seasonal attractions and events. There are ways to enjoy each season, such as cherry blossoms and fresh greenery in spring, festivals and evening coolness in summer, autumn leaves and cultural property exhibitions.
Every season has its own unique beauty and atmosphere, and strolling around in a kimono will be a special memory. Please choose the best time to enjoy your kimono experience in Kyoto, taking into consideration reservations at rental shops and crowds.


Author of this article


Waplus Yasaka Shrine store staff

Ayana Ogawa

We would like to help many customers smile through kimono rental.
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Please come and visit Waplus Kyoto!
We will suggest cute coordination!

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